Please note: If you are completely confused by this site, you have probably stumbled onto it by accident. We are a group of gamers that used to play on a great MUD called MateriaMagica until it was taken over by a griefer. Now we're on Steam playing Stardew and rebuilding a beautiful Clan Home on Valheim. Connect with us on Discord if you want to hang out with a cool group of folks who like to have fun and help each other out!
The original site design, including the Psych Ward, was done by Starryangel. The SW dragon and wolf logos, and all art displayed in Starryangel's Gallery are originals by Starryangel and may not be used without her permission.
The moon in the menu was photographed by Raerd and made purple by Witness. You may not remove it from this site without express permission from both of them. Some additional graphics on this site were made by Witness.
The Clan History was written by the talented Chemisse.
Thorja's history was written by Thorja herself, we think. Thank you to Ironbeard for managing to find a complete copy of the original SpiritWalk website, in which Thorja's story was included.
Many thanks to Mitsumi for help on the Art Gallery layout, and overall graphics wizardry. We miss you!
Comments or issues with the website should be reported to Canti on Discord (link to the left.)