The story of SpiritWalk begins with Thorja, a noble
minotaur who created the
clan to protect her "children." Thorja is depicted as a giant, snow-white
minotaur with ivory horns, draped in robes with arms raised to the sky. Crawling out from beneath her robe are several smaller characters, who
represent the first children of SpiritWalk.
The Clan was the 13th to be created in Moongate. It
was powerful and respected at first, as Thorja was a strong and beloved
leader. But after a while Thorja's devotion waned, and the children of the
Clan began to battle each other. For three years, the Clan struggled then
began to wither. Some left in discouragement; those who remained were
battle-scarred and weary.
The Clan was in its death throes when even more bad
fortune struck. Thorja passed on, leaving the world of Alyria behind and the
Clan of SpiritWalk leaderless.
That might have been the end of Clan 13 if it hadn't
been for a spark of luck that erupted from the troubles of a different Clan.
Elsewhere in Alyria, a big battle was being fought
within the clan of Tuath Fiana. The turmoil ended abruptly when Azurerain,
another great minotaur, led half of the Clan members away from the strife and
into the embracing arms of SpiritWalk.
The arrival of Azurerain and her group of noble warriors brought new life to SpiritWalk. The two
groups united and forged a revitalized Clan that strengthened into the SpiritWalk that we know today, a place of optimism, merriment and loyal companionship.